Background 2009– Payroll Administrator, Ackordscentralen Väst/Göteborg 2005–2009 Finance/Lease/Project Accounting, University of Gothenburg – Real Estate...
Background 2006– Assistant, Ackordscentralen Väst/Gothenburg 2002–2005 Operations Supervisor/Train Assistant, SJ AB, Göteborg 1993–2001 Supervisor/Operations Assistant, Scandinavian...
Background 2017– Lawyer, Ackordscentralen Väst/Gothenburg 2017 Drafting Lawyer, District Court of Gothenburg 2015–2017 Law Clerk, District...
Background 2013– Lawyer, Ackordscentralen Väst/Borås 2007–2013 Associate/Advocate, Gärde Wesslau Advokatbyrå 2005–2007 Drafting Lawyer, District Court...
Background 1992– Assistant, Ackordscentralen Väst/Borås 1988–1992 Secretary, District Court of Borås
Background 2012– Accountant, AC Gruppen AB 2009–2012 Financial Controller, TWL Bygg & Serviceteknik AB 2007–2009...